Company Membership

Who can join?

Any company carrying out R&D in Europe in support of its own business activities. And also by invitation, any company supporting the effectiveness of this R&D.

EIRMA Startup programme

Member-led industry association established in 1966 under the auspices of the OECD. EIRMA is the preferred cross-industry network and place for important R&D subject matters. It is the European open exchange of best practices in research, development and innovation for a sustainable world.
EIRMA is a central enabler of connections and influence among leading European industries, EU policy makers, major European initiatives and EU and international alliances.
EIRMA influences the R&D ecosystem in Europe. Its mission is to make European R&D and Innovation centres lead in generating sustainability solutions for the Economic, Societal and Business Challenges of the future. EIRMA activities are open to non-European corporations that have R&D activity and interest in Europe.

▶ Gain access to a unique meeting platform and exposure to a network of European technology leaders .

▶ Experience human-to-human collaboration among peers of leading European industrial players in finding solutions for shared challenges.

▶ Interact with industry leading companies.

▶ Visit industrial sites of member companies and gain insights on how influential R&D decision makers operate .

▶ Join an association with active members of over five decades.

▶ Mature startups in technology and industrial sectors with European focus.

▶ Technology management position holders: CEO, CTO, R&D, COO.

▶ Managers who need broader exposure to the technology scene.



Networking and interaction with very senior people who direct significant R&D projects in Europe.

Special Interest Groups: Lead and participate in programmes such as Knowledge Management, Digitalization, IP, AI, Safety, Security, Industrial Innovation Metrics, Environmental, etc..

Visits to: member company major sites and innovation facilities: unique EIRMA membership advantage

Members’ surveys and ability to benchmark vs. the Industry.

▶ Invitations to qualify as an entry to the Online Platform that connects industry and investments with broad based EU innovative technologies

Low carbon footprint: access to many activities directly from your home base.


EIRMA's expansion into IOT, Life Sciences Technology, AI, Genetics, Robotics, etc..

Access to corporations that are interested in new technologies and hubs of innovation.


Exposure to major European themes of innovation (e.g., Responsible Innovation and Green Deal) and learning from members’ corporate experience.

Exclusive speaking opportunities reserved for EIRMA members in European events.



Annual conferences and
onsite events hosted by


Member only SIGs,
hosted onsite by members
and intimate exchange of
best practices


Topical sharing of
experience and topical
activities to produce
recommendations and
position papers


Recorded interviews with
member experts and
topics of shared interest


Collecting data from
members and providing
benchmarking insights


FLOWW: Generating
relationships among:
VC’s, Industry, Deep Tech

Currently testing CERN

Ucom: challenging
universities with
innovation and
industry needs


Reserved for EIRMA in EU


▶ Access to seven programmes: Conferences, Webinars, SIGs, Speaking Opportunities, Digital Platform FLOWW, Podcasts, Surveys.

▶ 30% discount to additional EIRMA programmes.

▶Membership fee provides access to upper management members from the company.

▶ Flat Annual Fee: 1500 Euro, 10% discount for a three-year membership.

▶ EIRMA Association Digital Badge.


Conferences (included): Generally hosted by EIRMA members (when travel is feasible), for discussion, exchange of practices and networking. Selection of main themes by member requests, such as “post pandemic planning with environmental consciousness.

Forums: EIRMA facilitates unique platforms for CTO professionals to exchange themes and practices of main importance for their roles and responsibilities.

W-FIRA: World Federation of Industrial Research Associations. Initiated by EIRMA in 2013 to develop cooperation among international organizations to advance innovation leadership worldwide: IRI - USA, JATES - Japan, KOITA– Korea, ANPEI - Brazil, AIRG - Australia

Special Interest Groups SIGs (included): EIRMA facilitates unique and intimate cross-industry best practice exchanges on-site and online. Designed for executives who are charged with company-wide specialized responsibilities such as: Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence, Intellectual Property, Digitalization, Data Safety and Work Environment Safety.

Webinars, Taskforce and Workshops (included): Activities to enable sharing of knowledge and experience and cross-education among members. Certain activities produce recommendations and position papers, such as Responsible Innovation.

Surveys (Included): Creating and sharing benchmarks and cross-interest actual themes

Podcasts (included): Recorded interviews with member experts on topics of shared interest, accessible only to members

Practical Training: Leveraging EIRMA’s members’ practical knowledge to deliver industrial, as opposed to theoretical, powerful best practices to research team-leads and managers, who enjoy continuous network of support

Club of Rome is the meeting point of Heads of States and Governments, UN administrators, high-level politicians, diplomats, scientists, economists and business leaders with global reach. EIRMA is exclusively invited to represent major interests of EU industry, such as the Green Deal (2021 theme).

ATTRACT: CERN initiative to draw and select deep technology in the service of European innovation ecosystem. EIRMA is the industrial representative member of ATTRACT’s Project Consortium Board and the interface to European deep technology projects. EIRMA’s participation in ATTRACT allows CTOs and CVCs full awareness of the most innovative and pre-selected EU deep technologies. ATTRACT is funded by EU Horizon 2020.

GLORIA: Global Research and Innovation Analysis. EC annual project to provide global statistical analysis and trends to EC policy makers, facilitated by the EC-JRC (Joint Research Center) and OECD. EIRMA members contribute data into the research and serve as the industrial reviewers of the reports.

Digital Platform – FLOWW (included): Digital platform to generate ongoing mutual interests and contacts among VC’s, Industry and Deep Tech projects, including CERN-ATTRACT projects

Digital Platform – UCOM: EIRMA platform to enlist and challenge universities and their research capacity to support the needs of industry for practical innovation.

Marketplace: EIRMA’s internal exchange among members for R&I resources to assist the movement of talent and equipment.

CTO Award: Annual recognition programme by Industry for Industry to promote excellence in individual innovators. Sponsored by EIRMA, SPINVERSE, ORGALIM.

Speaking opportunities on EU Stage (included): reserved for EIRMA members in EU events and EIRMA programmes.


Individual Membership

People with significant professional experience relevant to EIRMA's mission and are also willing to contribute to our work are eligible to become an Individual Member of EIRMA. Membership in this category is by invitation only, based on a proposal by the Representative of a member company. Individual Membership is not available to anyone employed by a company that is itself eligible for membership.

How to join as an individual Member?

Prepare your references from a member company and contact the EIRMA Operations Team at [email protected].

Membership Applications

EIRMA Membership Application is open to any company carrying out R&D in Europe in support of its own business activities.

Application Form

Please complete the Membership Application   and return it by e-mail to [email protected].

Representative and Alternates

Our member companies are represented by an official "Representative" and its "Alternate". Their role is to be the primary contacts with the Association. It is therefore important to nominate one voting Representative and up to two Alternates who will be involved in the EIRMA activities. These delegates should hold leadership positions within the company's research and technology function.