EIC meeting Industry: collaborations & future opportunities

EIC (European Innovation Council) and Industry 2024 meeting:
Future Collaboration Opportunities

When: 13 March 2024 from 14h to 15h30
Where: Remote


The European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established under the EU Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget of €10.1 billion to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.
The strategy and implementation of the EIC is steered by the EIC Board, which has independent members appointed from the world of innovation (entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, corporates and others from the innovation ecosystem).

Innovation Funding:

A unique feature of the EIC is that it provides funding for individual companies (mainly startups and SMEs) through both grants and investments. The investments currently take the form of direct equity or quasi-equity investments and are managed by the EIC Fund.

EIRMA event and 2024 opportunities:

In this session, “EIC and Industry 2024 meeting” – we will focus on:
- The outcome and results of the EIC programmes (Horizon Europe) up to now
- Discussion on how to improve EIC and Industry collaboration
- Discover collaboration and funding opportunities for Industry by the EIC funding from 2024 onwards
- Participation opportunities for acting as members of Boards in investee companies of the EIC

Mr. KEITH SEQUEIRA - Head Of Unit at European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)


For non EIRMA members, Event fees: €80

To register please click below or send an email to [email protected]

Please forward this invitation to all whom it may concern in your organization.

Looking forward to hosting you in our event!

The EIRMA Team
3/13/2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Romance Standard Time