EIRMA Events

To encourage networking and knowledge sharing among members, we organize approximately 12 events each year: round-tables, CTO forum, Special Interest Groups, Webinars, etc.

EIRMA has a number of long standing practictioner networks such as the Special Interest Group on Intellectual Asset Management, comprising leading IP managers.
It runs an exclusive CTO Forum for CTOs of member companies to share concerns.

Download the full annual programme of events for 2024: EIRMA Events   

Events are available to all member company employees. The programme addresses topical and evergreen questions of R&D and innovation management, and is designed to be relevant to people at all levels of seniority.

Forthcoming Events

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Enhancing Cyber Resilience in Industry’s Digital Era
Embracing prevention-first practices and strategies in the OT realm

When: September 10, 2024