Who can join?

Any company carrying out R&D in Europe in support of its own business activities. And also by invitation, any company supporting the effectiveness of this R&D.

Company Membership

Corporate Membership is available to companies that have research and technology development activities in Europe, supporting the development of products and services for the market. 

Other bodies that make a significant contribution to industrial innovation, research and technology development and operate according to business objectives can be admitted by invitation and after approval of the Governing Board

Individual Membership

People with significant professional experience relevant to EIRMA's mission and are also willing to contribute to our work are eligible to become an Individual Member of EIRMA. Membership in this category is by invitation only, based on a proposal by the Representative of a member company. Individual Membership is not available to anyone employed by a company that is itself eligible for membership.

How to join as an individual Member?

Prepare your references from a member company and contact the EIRMA Operations Team at [email protected].

Membership Applications

EIRMA Membership Application is open to any company carrying out R&D in Europe in support of its own business activities.  

Application Form

Please complete the Membership Application and return it by e-mail to [email protected] .

Representative and Alternates

Our member companies are represented by an official "Representative" and its "Alternate". Their role is to be the primary contacts with the Association. It is therefore important to nominate one voting Representative and up to two Alternates who will be involved in the EIRMA activities. These delegates should hold leadership positions within the company's research and technology function.